Monday, November 3, 2008

Final Project First Idea

DF08_10.10_GirlTalk-1 by DAKOTAFINE.

I want to play with still and moving pictures. I like the aspect of seeing moving video pausing on a still image. It is interesting to see where images derived from. The idea that if you didnt see that initial video before the pause on the still image, you would have not known how that picture came about. Music will be a big part of it. I want to either write or find some music with a mysterious mood, strong beat, and something with lots of pauses. An idea may be to take video capturing the club experience...maybe from a dj's perspective? How the dj's choices influence the mood and energy of the people dancing. I think it would be cool to incorporate the still images of the club, with the fast paced dancing video would capture-intertwining the experiences.

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